“Heterosexuality is not normal, it’s just common.” — Dorothy Parker
“Heterosexuality is not normal, it’s just common.” — Dorothy Parker
There were Sisters in sight everywhere in Los Angeles when I was younger. There was something there but I couldn’t finger on it–like you got a whiff of something familiar but you couldn’t name what the smell was. I moved Seattle 5 years ago out of the blue. I fell in love with Seattle instantly. Saw a couple of Sisters in Seattle, later on, 2003. Sister Dawnna, Sister Ivanna and Sister VixXxen were to name a few that stuck on my mind. I confided in a friend who later became Sister Rubba. He wanted to join. We joined together. Thanks to Sister Anja Knees for being my Sponsor Sister. Bless her heart, her aura constantly reminds me to be kind, and just be. Sister Titty and Sister Babylon’s love helped me with my challenge transition as I went on with my journey as a Novice. Sister Rubba was my big Sister as I near the end of my Novice period. As a fully professed Sister right after gay pride 08′, that was when I finally understood my calling.
I am born an activist from shares of violence (gay related), bigotry, and hate since I was a kid. Being a member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, I can channel my beliefs, energy and promulgate universal joy around for as long as I can. I am a starving artist, and being a Sister is a perfect opportunity for me to give back to the community. I am responsible for my community. It is a privilege, an honor and opportunity to represent the order.
I remember running around in a cape… oddly draped like a veil. Hmmmmm. (Mom thought it was cute.) Later, in Catholic school, the nun’s seemed to have cause to always beating me with rulers. Alter boys 🙂 Priests in long robes 🙂 Choirs 🙂 Big, beefy, red head, FATHER… Yummmmy
My first experience with Sisters stirred these memories. Standing against the wall, watching Sisters burst into the bar. Lovingly attacking US wallflowers (thinking we were sheltered) requesting donations, stirrings of guilty feelings, offering fun-loving molestations, and pushing boundaries. I was stunned.
They scared the hell out of me. (Dawnna –your fangs made me nervous…) Ya’ll were fun, funny, HUGE clowns, and loving agents-for-change.
And yet, I kept thinking ‘is there a chance’ that I could ever be a Sister? (It took a couple years and lots of patience. Thank you -Babylon- for not giving up on me.)
There were several… until a Sister stated it should be something relevant and personal. The fun names drifted away. My partner turned, with a single raised eyebrow, stating, ‘Edith’ ‘Edith Moorecock’.
Thought I heard bells and trumpets… saw bright heavenly beams of light from above… and suddenly it stuck. (Perhaps ya’ gotta ‘know’ me…)
Oh… then I remembered to re-adjust my tarnished and crooked halo on the way to go new knee pads!
If you take the word Domine (which means teacher, or clergyman) and you add –trix (which makes it the female connected with a certain thing) you should get a female teacher or a female clergyman. But spoken it comes out Dominatrix (Dominator + -trix) and you get a dominant female partner in a sadomasochistic relationship. This says a lot about me, and why I chose this name. I am a teacher. I am feminine. I am dominant. I am also more than the sum of my parts, and often I am misunderstood due to what people hear as opposed to the true meaning of my components.
The message I would most like to get out to people… Don’t take anyone on hearsay. Take the time to get to know everyone you can. We all have a lesson to teach, and sometimes life’s lessons come from very unexpected places. Keep in mind we all come from unique backgrounds and perspectives, but we are all in this together.
Also… Life is way too short for all of the self doubt, and self deprecation that we use to put ourselves in bondage.
mmmm… bondage…
Note: Always an Abbey Sister, Sister Domine has transferred to the NYC Disorder
Use for occasional expiation of stigmatic guilt and promulgation of your universal joy.
Rectal Use Only
With steady pressure, gently insert Sister Dinah Douche of the Immaculate Colonic into your rectum with a slight side-to-side movement with the tip pointing to your navel. Insertion may be easier if you bear down, as if having a bowel movement. This helps relax the muscles around the anus and your guilt.
Do not force Dinah into rectum, as this will rip you to shreds!
Squeeze Dinah until all her love is inside you. It is not necessary to empty Dinah completely, as she has more love than needed.
For best results, insert and remove Dinah repeatedly (100-200 times), maintain your position until Dinah’s urge to evacuate is strong (usually 1-5 minutes).
Ask a doctor before using Dinah if you:
The beginning of a worldwide organization originated in 1979 that brought forth young men to cross dress in habits from the musical Sound Of Music
To put on the white face as a confessional, to give the community a chance to convey their heart of hearts, and have an empathetic ear. That is there for them in the time they need and community holds dear the expiation of their guilt and allowing them to truly feel joy.
To help people have self-love, freedom to enjoy other intimately, and the tools such as a condom to do it ethically.
To help shed light on social issues that are present in the current times, the ones that need to be addressed, and have resolution to help hold up the community, that is in need for equality, and have their prerogatives be heard.
The catalyst for inclusion of all faiths, that is like a caterpillar blossoming into a butterfly, to the sky for each and every human, that we smile at as we walk on by.
Sisters are like the water, fluid and ready to go with the flow for someone or cause in need, the fire that gives warmth in the form of hugs also the huge heart for others, the wind that is the voice of the community that needs to have aid in getting stuff done, and the earth that is here to grow roots in the soil of community’s to help them to thrive.
To help join the forces of one nun with the energy of others to go out and do the work or a group of nuns that charge forth to answer bacon calls.
Help guide people in the journey to be a nun. When the calling comes to someone, they observe the Sisters doing the work. Learn the ropes of putting on face as a postulant and find someone to mentor them. Get a voice to help educate in their novice stage. Then, do a project that corresponds to the mission of the Sisters. To become a Fully Professed Sister, in body, mind, and spirit.
Help others with a vision for a better tomorrow and to help the community find joy, through blessings, and also glitter for some that shows the light of them touched by the Devine spirit of a Nun.
Offer aid to people with terminal illness. Giving them some smiles, an ear that is there to listen, and a chance to take a deep breath to ease the suffering.
Go to events to raise money for many nonprofits. Get the community to enjoy the art of giving. People that need money then are grateful receivers of the bounty brought forth by the community. It is the karmic flow of philanthropy.
Give resources to people who have STDs and STIs to feel better, education about them, and a chance to cure some of them. Give nonprofits, money to help give quality one-on-one treatment, and other resources to the suffering community member.
In the day-to-day struggle of the world. Sisters bring a smile to someone that needs some joy. A hug to someone that needs closeness. They are there to help shift the negative paradigm of the world. One person, step, dollar, event, and manifestation at a time. It takes a village of Nuns to help many. More smiles and less frowns!
Note: Sister Nirvana has moved to join our lovely friend at the Portland Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Order of Benevolent Bliss!
Sister Daya Reckoning:
Promulgating Universal Joy and Expiating Stigmatic Guilt since 2001
Cover Photo Credit: Jorchi Hernández
Sister Metro arrived in Seattle in 2004 on the back of a Kosher apple truck. Armed with only a piercing sceptic glare and a nose for charlatans and snake-oil salesmen, this fresh, rosy-cheeked nun soon found her way on Capitol Hill, arriving at the Abbey of St. Joan in mid-2009. At first charming and congenial, then wise and…ummm…penetrating, she soon became part of the Abbey, ministering to the LGBT and Latino communities with quiet charm and humor.
A denizen of exotic locales that serve strong drinks, hot men, and good conversation, she’ll switch from biting humor and ribaldry to patient kindness, indulging her flock’s need for a kind word or simply an attentive and non-judgmental ear. Partial to Otters, Capybaras, and Crows, but kind to all our Mother’s creatures, she’ll be sure to share a good story with a mischievous glint in her eye and spread Sister magic wherever she goes.
Note: Sister Metro has decided to take a temporary sabbatical till February 2025