Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

Sister Urah Nuff-Trouble


Out of the messiness of life, out of the mistakes we’ve made that have brought us here, comes Sister Urah Nuff-Trouble. Let’s meet in dark corners in bars and talk about the fucked-up things we did to survive, big love, fun tricks to with do condoms. I’ll tell you how deeply proud of you I am, and to make good decisions.



Contact Sister Urah Nuff-Trouble

    Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

    Sister Sanka DeMayo





    Contact Sister Sanka DeMayo

      Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

      Sister Demanda Morehead



      I wanted to help my community. We live in a time of labels. If you do this or that or act this way, it does not have anything to do with the rare unique individual you are. While on the topic of labels let me introduce you to my label; I m the Mistress of Crap, (no seriously) crap! While these may seem offensive to some labels don’t hurt or bother me. While some labels are more preferred than others, this one is descriptive of the position. In that capacity I am assigned to take care of the crap. In other words, I get things done. And I always get it done with precision and maximum efficiency, which makes me a very appreciated asset to the Abbey of St. Joan. How do you like me now??? If you have labels that bother you then take Sister Demand’s challenge and re-frame it to the positive, inspirational and clearly unique individual you are. If Demanda can do it and so can you. Remember what Ru Paul slays the first verse of “Sissy That Walk as follows:

      [Verse 1]
      Pick myself up, turn the world on its head
      Don’t forget what, don’t forget what my momma said
      People talking (ish), since the beginning of time
      Unless they paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind.

      Love ya Ru and thank you for that sound advice.

      So listen to Demnda and positively re-frame those those labels. As Ru also says, pay them bitches no mind. If you need help spinning or re-framing to the positive ask any Sister to help you. We are here for you!

      Love light and glitter kisses everywhere.
      Sister Demanda Morehead, you favorite can do Mistress of Crap, The Abbey of St. Joan.



      Contact Sister Demanda Morehead

        Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

        Sister Jacklyn Hyde


        Contact Sister Jacklyn Hyde

          Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

          Sister Lydia Tu Temptation


          Contact Sister Lydia Tu Temptation


            Fully Professed Inactive Ordained Minister Sisters

            Sister Amanda Mount

            When did you screw everything up, but no one ever found out it was you?

            The Constitution of the United States of America specifically says: “… nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself…”  ‘Nuff said.

            What would you name your boat if you had one?

            The USS Penis Extension

            What’s the most useless talent you have?

            In a restaurant I can immediately find the person who is chewing with their mouth open in the most disgusting way. Worst. Avenger. Ever. (that’s not true. Doctor Druid was worse, but not by much).

            A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

            “Do you have the $200 bucks?” He’s delivering my sheet of acid. Don’t ask him about the sombrero. He doesn’t talk about the sombrero. Ever.

            Which storybook/cartoon character turns you on the most?

            Alfred. Anyone THAT into service and can keep a bat-cave spotless while sporting such a tight tushy in butler pants is going to be just keen my book. Just keen, I tell you.

            Do you have any strange phobias?

            Glitter. Ironic, I know. It’s why I am so often heavily medicated on Jack Daniels when you see me.

            Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?

            My husband would like to use this opportunity to say he would be happy with over or under and not sitting on the counter near the toilet. Don’t judge me.

            What are three things still left on your bucket list?

            Well first, wooden bucket. I know, right? How have I gone this long in life without having a wooden bucket! Second I think would be a glass bucket. Classy. And the third, I would like a bucket made out that stuff they use to make edible panties. Ultimate conversation starter at cocktail parties.

            If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

            My super power would be to take away any super powers from anyone choosing super powers from answering questions like, “If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?” Those people don’t know what they are doing and wasting an incredible gift.

            What is one thing that all of your love-interests have had in common?

            Me. Also, they all hated coconut. I love coconut. They ALL hated coconut! Who the fuck hates coconut!?!

            You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

            Slap “Gluten Free” stickers on each of his dookies, then sell them on Amazon. Retire in one year to Hawaii. With the elephant, of course. He can bring me coconuts. Seriously, who the fuck doesn’t just love coconuts!

             What, or who, are you a “closet” fan of?

            Spice Girls. Especially Scary Spice. Well and of course, Posh Spice. My home girl… Sporty Spice too. And my goodness, that Baby Spice! Not Ginger though. Didn’t like her.

            Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

            Sister Aura Lee Fixated


            Contact Sister Aura Lee Fixated

              Fully Professed Inactive Ordained Minister Sisters

              Sister Pussywillow Wilchenot

              Equal parts glitter and dirt, Sister Pussywillow Wilchenot’s piercing gaze only means she’s not wearing her glasses.  She’s the smallest member, your work-a-day-genderfucking-fem-trans nun, and if you ask just right…well, just be careful what you ask for. She’ll probably give it to you.


              Contact Sister Pussywillow Wilchenot

                Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

                Sister Ann E. Lingus


                Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

                Sister D’Audacity