Board Deaconess (Treasurer) Fully Professed Mistress of UNPC Sisters

Sister Paddlemé Tooshie


Spank and Tickle from Sister Paddleme’ Tooshie

I have beleaguered the Seattle Sisters with my presence for the past decade or so. I know it seems like a lifetime- -it has! My life before was dark and tortuous. For some reason Uncle Sam thought my feathered eyelashes didn’t fit under the “good order and discipline” of the United States Navy. Fine! I kept the “discipline” and went to another “order.”

I love being a servant of Seattle through the Abbey of Saint Joan. I get so much joy from talking and sharing with others. My mission has changed over the years. It has now evolved into; I want you to see you from my eyes. You are so beautiful and you deserve to make smart choices with your body.

May you be blessed with love, joy and a little mischief.

Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

Sister Olive Thatten Moore



Fully Professed On-leave/Missionary Sisters

Sister Oblivia Neutron Bomb

Rhodes Scholar and skilled in the rare art of toilet paper corsage roses…


Fully Professed On-leave/Missionary Sisters

Sister Nova Gyna

Hello friends, I wanted to take a moment to tell you the reason I wanted to become part of the Sisters of perpetual Indulgence. long story short I was divorced and openly gay and very happy. Something was missing, I had a calling on my heart to make a difference, to be a smile to someone who needed a smile to be a hug to someone that needed a hug. I wanted people to know they could live a happy life free from guilt and shame regardless if they were gay straight, bi, or anything and everything in between upside down or around. I had a calling for my community  I was not going to let this call go unanswered but I had no idea what to do about it. I saw the Sisters and I was fascinated. These angelic, sassy, and full of life, love, and great energy beautiful creatures hovering my way to greet me and make sure my sexual adventure would be one that was guilt free and safe. condom, lube, and instructions! AMAZING! Not only was I very curious but instantly it clicked, I want to do that! I want to be a unique voice in my community, I want to support HIV/Aids and std studies. I want to become a sister! I may have thought this instantly but I had to make sure it was an actually calling and not just something I wanted to do…. so 3 years later I went to my first meeting to see what it was all about and see if this was what I was supposed to do… and here I am today with a calling just as strong if not stronger than before, I love you, you are beautiful, and you deserve to be happy and live your life to its fullest and completely guilt free.

Love, Sister Nova Gyna


Sister Nova on Myspace –

Sister Nova on Facebook –



Fully Professed On-leave/Missionary Sisters

Sister Naga Baba Ganesh

One of our founding Sisters and choosen as our “Abbess for Life”.


Fully Professed Inactive Ordained Minister Sisters

Sister Nadia Ahnwilda


Being raised in a progressive family, it took me several years to realize that the theory that people are people wasn’t a global view, just the one I had been raised with. My family had friends who were mixed race couples, same sex couples, people from many cultural backgrounds, it all seemed normal to me. When I met my soul mate, he came in the form of a gay man. We lived in a town that was not accepting of who he was and ran off to Seattle and Tacoma to go to the clubs where he could be who he was and just have a good time without worrying about what people there thought. Eventually, we moved to Seattle in the early 90’s, and frequently ran into the Sisters on the hill or went to Bingo the Sisters did, it was always fun and I loved the positive message they had.

Several years later, I had a baby, and my friend had HIV. It was a learning experience, ups and downs, but 12 years later, when he left this realm, it left a huge hole in our hearts and lives. I felt a need to do something for others, to honor this man and try to make it better for others who felt they had to hide part of who they were in any way. About a year after he died, I had the chance to see the Sisters on a regular basis and it hit me that THIS was what I wanted to do! Becoming a Sister has felt like coming home, I love it, but the best part is I am here to tell YOU, you are amazing, special and I think you are perfect being who you are, where you are!


Contact Sister Nadia Ahnwilda

    Fully Professed Inactive Ordained Minister Sisters

    Sister Medusa Oblongata



    Contact Sister Medusa Oblongata


      Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

      Sister Marilyn MOAN-Roe

      Fully Professed On-leave/Missionary Sisters

      Sister Maria Caffeina Mocha Latté

      One of the founding Sisters of the Abbey of St. Joan


      Fully Professed Inactive Sisters

      Sister Lucy Furr

      Isn’t she stunning?


      Contact Sister Lucy Furr