Advice Events Uncategorized

Seattle Covid-19 Resources

Food and Grocery Resources

No ID or documentation needed

Central District

Feed the People: 1800 E. Yesler St. Food pick-up 10a-6p daily, delivery 2p-4p

Musang: 2524 Beacon Ave. S. Call to confirm pickup time, 206) 708-6871

Downtown Seattle

Occidental Square Park: Free hot food every Sunday at 4:30p


Northwest Harvest 1915 4th Ave. S Free groceries, Monday: 1:30-7:30p,

Wednesday and Friday: 8:00a- 2:00p

South Park

Resistencia Coffee Free Community Breakfast: 1249 S Cloverdale St. Mon-Fri 8 a-10a

Rainier Beach

Rainier Beach Community Center Plaza:  Free hot lunches Tues-Thurs 11:30a-1p

Beacon Hill

That Brown Girl Cooks: 2822 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Food pickup 12p-6pm


Emergency Feeding Program: 851 Houser Way N., Ste. Renton, WA 98057

Drive-through only (they load in car)

3p-4p by last name: Monday A-I, Tues J-R, Weds S-Z

Seattle Area Food Resources Map

ID may be required at some locations

Free Meals for School Aged Children (King County)

Financial Resources


Create Secure Access Washington Account –needed to apply for unemployment 

Apply for Partial Unemployment Benefits (if you have lost work hours due to COVID-19)

For additional support with unemployment benefits if you were laid off or put on leave due to Covid19, call 1-800-318-6022 with: your employment end date, an explanation of how COVID-19 affected your layoff, ask them to approve you manually if denied online

Rental Assistance

Evictions are halted until April 17th

United Way of King County Rental Assistance: Sign Up for Info

Rental Assistance Programs in Seattle and King County

Seattle Area Mutual Aid Groups

Mutual aid is a community movement in which we take responsibility for caring for one another directly. Most funds have a request form or process for funds that can be used for rent, food, etc.

Survival Fund for the People

Elders, Survivors, Undocumented, Queer Mutual Aid

Sex Worker Network Initiative Mutual Aid



No utility or light shutoffs during the COVID-19 Civil Emergency in Seattle.

SPU and SCL customers can request a deferred payment plan with the utilities by calling (206) 684-3000.

Utility Discount Program– if income eligible can lower Seattle City Light bills by 60 percent and Seattle Public Utility bills by 50 percent. (206) 684-0268.


Comcast is offering ‘Internet Essentials’ package free until at least May 12, 2020:

Sign Up for Free Internet 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish.

Free Wifi for Students (via Seattle Public Schools)



Sister Paddleme’ Tooshie answers the HARD questions.

S.Seaman asked – (Great name by the way.  I think I chose to answer this question based on your name.)


“I’m here in Seattle, and I’m just finishing up a Bachelor’s degree in psychology. A lot of grad schools require me to have volunteer or work experience in a “mental health field”, but obviously I’m not qualified to really do anything beyond peer counseling stuff. Eventually I’d like to have training in both clinical sexology and clinical psychology and work with the LGBTQ community, the kink community and other sexual minorities. Any ideas on where in town to apply for that sort of volunteer work?”



Well I have to ask this first, “What are your intentions?”  If you are looking to help ‘cure’ the kink community – DON’T BOTHER!   If you are looking to help kinky people with every day crap… Good for you.  The first place to explore would be ‘The Wet Spot.’  The spot is a Sex-Positive Community Center.   It is a safe, wonderful place to play and open up to the wilder side of life and possibly learn a new trick.  “Who knew fisting could be so fun?”

There are other great community centers that I would definitely explore…

Click on any of these kinks and check them out.

  • The Center for Sex Positive Culture (formerly known as The Wet Spot)
  • LGBT Community Center
  • Seattle Counseling Services
  • Gay City
  • Lifelong AIDS Alliance

Keep on doing what you are doing … asking around.  I’m sure that this little list has already sparked other groups.  Don’t forget to check out social groups as well.

~Flog you later,

Sister Paddleme’ Tooshie


If you are group out there that I did not mention, I’m sorry.  I can only juggle so many penii at a time.

Do you have a question for the Sisters? Any question (and we mean any) will be accepted, read, shared with all the other Sisters, and maybe even answered HERE. Just send them to


What was in that salad?

by Sister Bertha Christ

Dear sisters,

I’m a 19 year old gay boy from podunk, BFE. I just found out that I have Hepatitis A. I got it from a one night stand who I went home with while I was drunk. The problem is, I have a boyfriend. I don’t want to pass it to him, but I’m too embarrassed to say anything. Should I tell him? Are there ways of keeping him safe without having to tell him what I’ve done?

– He’ll Excrement Post Announcement!


Dear BFE,

A little Hepatitis overview first. Hepatitis C is blood-blood transmission, Hepatitis B is transmitted by bodiliy fluids, and Hepatitis A is fecal-oral transmission. What that means for you is that you could have contracted Hepatitis A anywhere you drank, ate, or licked dirty butt. If you have had sex with your boyfriend since “cheating” and he licked your dirty butt, or you prepared food for him without washing your hands, you may have transmitted the virus to him. Your bottom line is he won’t know that you slept around, since Hepatitis A is not only transmitted by licking dirty butt.

It all depends on the type of relationship you want with him. Do you want one where there are secrets, or one of trust? Examine why you slept with someone else. Ask yourself, is there something lacking in the relationship you need to ask for? Is there something lacking in yourself? Do you want an open relationship? Are you happy in this relationship? Make sure you are clear what it is you want, be succinct, and tell him your truth. Then, shut up and listen to his response.

As hard as it might be to see a loved one hurt by our own actions, honesty is best and they deserve to have all the facts. Wouldn’t you want to know?

Lastly, there is a vaccine for Hepatitis A and B, but not C. So, if you haven’t had Hepatits B yet, get vaccinated.

Sister Bertha


Do you have a question for the Sisters? Any question (and we mean any) will be accepted, read, shared with all the other Sisters, and maybe even answered HERE. Just send them to


Afraid to ask, but…

With Sister Isabella Ringing

Why do some men who are long time HIV survivors have sunken in cheeks while others who have had HIV for just as long do not?

Signed, “Curious but afraid to ask”


Dear Curious,

Thanks for your question.  First of all, let’s put a clinical name on those sunken cheeks. It is a condition called Lipodystrophy which is a fancy term for abnormal fat redistribution. Lipodystrophy shows up in two ways, fat loss or lipoatrophy (usually in the face, buttocks, arms, and legs) and fat accumulation or lipohypertrophy (usually in the neck, belly, upper torso and breasts).

While lipoatrophy can occur in the arms, legs, and butt, fat loss in the face is probably most difficult for HIV+ people. This can make you look older and sicker than you are and cause embarrassment and low self esteem.

Facial wasting, as it is also often called, can have a devastating emotional, psychological, and social impact on those it afflicts. Many people are turning to risky experimental facial reconstruction treatments with varying degrees of success, and sometimes serious complications. Researchers continue to research alternative treatments to minimize the effects of Lipodystrophy, but there is still much to learn.

This fat redistribution is not caused directly by HIV, but is instead a side effect of the medications used to treat HIV. These medications have different effects on different people, and as such the side effects vary. There are certain classes of HIV medications that research has found to have a greater impact on fat redistribution than others. As the treatment options increase, these drugs with greater risk of side effects are no longer the first to be prescribed, but are still sometimes necessary tools in the arsenal of drugs used to combat HIV.

Thankfully, there is a greater variety of treatments for HIV today. Health care providers are able to identify strains of HIV that are resistant to or treatable by different types of medications, and are able to weigh the risk of side effect against the optimum treatment for a particular strain.  The long timer you see with sunken cheeks may very likely have a particularly difficult strain of HIV to treat, that has become resistant to some of the medications with fewer side effects.

So the short answer to your question: different side effects to different drug therapies.

If you want a bit more of the technical information on Facial Wasting, Check out

Thanks again Curious, and remember, you never need to be afraid to ask a Sister!

Love and Light,

Sister Isabella Ringing


Do you have a question for the Sisters? Any question (and we mean any) will be accepted, read, shared with all the other Sisters, and maybe even answered HERE. Just send them to