Sisters of on temporary break, transferred to another house, or missioning in a new area of the world (outside Washington state)
Sr. Alison Chains (she/them) is a radical, intersectional activist. Br. Gary Curter (he/them) puts the clown in drag clown nun! They share a heart dedicated to serving the full LGBTQAI community in all it’s glorious racial, age, gender, faith, and ability diversity! Gary/Alison has transferred to the Boston Sisters, where they spread mischief and joy all they way from DC to Boston
Sister Yuriko Lomein’s Facebook Page
Note: Sister Yuriko continues her commitment and ministry to charity as Star Empress XLV Mulan Rouge through her work with the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Willamette Empire
Hello friends, I wanted to take a moment to tell you the reason I wanted to become part of the Sisters of perpetual Indulgence. long story short I was divorced and openly gay and very happy. Something was missing, I had a calling on my heart to make a difference, to be a smile to someone who needed a smile to be a hug to someone that needed a hug. I wanted people to know they could live a happy life free from guilt and shame regardless if they were gay straight, bi, or anything and everything in between upside down or around. I had a calling for my community I was not going to let this call go unanswered but I had no idea what to do about it. I saw the Sisters and I was fascinated. These angelic, sassy, and full of life, love, and great energy beautiful creatures hovering my way to greet me and make sure my sexual adventure would be one that was guilt free and safe. condom, lube, and instructions! AMAZING! Not only was I very curious but instantly it clicked, I want to do that! I want to be a unique voice in my community, I want to support HIV/Aids and std studies. I want to become a sister! I may have thought this instantly but I had to make sure it was an actually calling and not just something I wanted to do…. so 3 years later I went to my first meeting to see what it was all about and see if this was what I was supposed to do… and here I am today with a calling just as strong if not stronger than before, I love you, you are beautiful, and you deserve to be happy and live your life to its fullest and completely guilt free.
One of our founding Sisters and choosen as our “Abbess for Life”.
Sister Ivanna Manda Lei here darlings! I was born in a small outpost in Eastern Washington and was quickly shipped off to the nearest convent where the Reverend Mother took me under her wing.
After growing up and following the Reverend Mother’s teachings, I realized I needed to strike out and see what the world outside the convent held for me. Many years of searching, struggling and wanting to give back to my community, brought me to the doors of the Abbey of St. Joan. In February 2003, I started my Sister journey where Sister Daya Reckoning and Sister Scarlet O’Hairy were my mentoring sisters.
Through their mentoring, as well as all of my other Abbey Sisters, they prepared me to serve my community with a humble heart, outrageous style and to bring fun to all I encounter. May you always be a gift to yourself and those around you!
UPDATE: The Abbey is excited to announce that Sister Ivanna Manda Lei is now an official member of The Orlando Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Abbey of St. Gertrude De Nivelles! http://orlandosisters.org/
I was standing in a crowded bar, surrounded by hundreds of people, and I felt completely alone in the world…
…when I first met the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Two larger than life Nuns in white face crossed the bar and greeted me, carrying with them an atmosphere of joy and unconditional acceptance. Their brief recognition of someone in need who was lonely in a crowd forever changed the direction of my life. I cannot remember who those two Sisters were, but I joined the Sisters to do for others what those two did for me.
My personal mission, as Sister Isabella is a simple one. Every Day, I want to help someone feel a little less alone in the world. Some days I succeed, some days I fail, but every day I try.
Next time you go out for a drink, look around. Find that person standing alone in the corner of the bar, peeling the label from the bottle he or she finished much faster than they had planned, and say hello. This simple gesture may change to course of your life.
“We work on ourselves in order to help others, but also we help others in order to work on ourselves.” — Pema Chodron
Note: The Abbey is excited to announce that Sister Isabella Ringing is now an official member of Sin Sity Sisters!