Active Fully Professed Sisters

Sister Gladys Pantzarhoff

Sister Gladys Pantzarhoff recieved her calling on the patio of the Lone Star saloon in San Francisco in 2005.

In March of 2006 she became a Fully Professed Sister with the Mother House in San Francisco.  Sister Gladys and her lovely husband moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2011, and after taking a couple years off to rest and settle into life in Seattle, she joined the Abbey of St. Joan in the Summer of 2016, shortly after the devastating Pulse Massacre in Orlando FL.  She felt her respite was over and it was time to get back out in the world to spread some love and joy.

Sister Gladys uses her voice and comedic talents as a fundraiser, emcee, host and all around social butterfly.  She is an ally and voice for those who have been silenced, a fierce soldier in the fight against HIV Stigma, is an advocate for LGBTQ rights, and equality for all.

She’s a fun-loving, naughty Nun, with a penchant for dirty martini’s,  who does what she can to promote sex positivity. She feels that sex and sexuality should be celebrated, not shamed.  In her secular life, Gladys works in HIV Prevention, supporting the community by promoting and offering free HIV testing, free access to safer sex supplies, PrEP education and access assistance, and sexual health education.


Contact Sister Gladys Pantzarhoff