
A Course in Community Self Defense

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 7 PM

R Place

619 E Pine St, Seattle, Washington 98122

One of the best things about living on Capitol Hill is the ability to walk around and enjoy the lovely local culture of our neighborhood. That loveliness is being hampered by some unsavory individuals who have taken to our streets with violence, and malice. As Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, we love each and every member of this community. We want to see you all safe, and to have the poignant sense of security that comes from Self Defense training. To that end, Sister Domine Trix will be hosting a FREE Community Self Defense class.

The first session will be held on September 14th at RPlace on the 3rd floor at 7pm.Hopefully there will be more in the future, but this will be the first one.

Please feel FREE to come and learn how to better keep yourself safe!