Walk Safe

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In addition to sexual safety, the Sisters want to encourage other types of safety as well.  We want our community to indulge and have fun, but we also want them to get home in one piece so that we’ll see them out again!

This campaign sprung from the recent attention that has been given to bashings and hate crimes in Seattle. At a meeting, one of our Sisters reminded us to pay attention to our surroundings and be careful when we’re walking to our cars or home after being out. Another Sister responded by suggesting the possibility of an awareness campaign for the community about safety.  Two Sisters – Sister Glo and Sister Pure Heart – took the idea and ran with it.  They did a little research and compiled a variety of safety tips and resources, turned it over to Sister Eva to design the packet insert, ordered whistles, and thus the “Walk Safe” packs were born.

In the original run, we produced 1,500 “Walk Safe” packs.  A group of Sisters canvassed the Capitol Hill neighborhood streets and bars on a Saturday night to distribute the packs.  We plan to periodically produce and distribute the packs, so that everyone will remember to “Walk Safe.”.

You can help keep our community safe with your contribution.

Donate Today!

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